Hmm it's raining outside and the roads are all jammed - so I am stuck here at the office waiting for A to pick me up. Kesian dia everytime hujan he will be stuck in the bad KL traffic. And every time jugak I will have to bear with his sour face - well, I don't blame him, I blame the traffic jam but what's with the sour face lah. I think these nearly 7 years we're together belum pernah aku bermasam muka unless I am having a fight dengan dia - anything else yang outside our relatkionship, bila aku dengan A, all are forgotten. Tapi what to do, I love A very much and that's his personality, terima aje lah.

Whatever it is, A has been very kind and he has been taking good care of me ever since we moved in together about 4 years ago. Cuma sometimes he tends to be too into something and somehow terneglect me but he never realizes it. I don't really mind as long as he is always there during crucial times. Yang pastinya, A tak pernah berkira dengan aku; duit, tenaga, masa - cakap saja he will be there for me. I would never dream of having someone better than A as a spouse or life partner.
Tapi aku ni manusia (chewah, itu je la alasan) kekadang tu I tend to admire people but believe me I have never gone astray and do bad or naughty things with others (boleh caya ke ni? hehehe) Well, I can be gatal sometimes but I do know my limits. 
Hmmm dah sampai la plak A ni, cepat plak dia tadi kata jam. Ok lah, nanti aku sambung malam karang kalau aku tak tido awal - damn sleepy today sampai tersengguk-sengguk duk kat meja ni petang tadi. Nasib baik bos tak datang sini. Tata...