I am alone again tonight. A pi main futsal pulak. Cursing Astro for showing the same cerita over and over agin - membazir duit je bayar memahal - there aren't any good movies to watch. Their raya stuff pun duk ulang sampai berbelas kali, tu pun mau bangga showing stuff for raya sampai 14 hari konon - bak kata Patric teoh - Niamah! Poodah! (apa maksud niamah tu ek? I hope tak mencarut lah hehehe).
I know that A is the happiest man on earth hari ni. Semalam malam aku ikut dia pi beli PDA phone impian dia tu... dah sebulan kot duk asik cakap pasal phone tu. At the office pun balik-balik forward me the write ups pasal the phone - takpe la, as long as dia happy I will be happy too - ada ler aku kene berkorban sket for him to get the PDA phone but I am not going to say what. As long as my other half is happy and smiling all the way from ear to ear. Considering what he has done for me all these while, this sacrifice I made kira kecik amat la.
Today indeed is an important day for us - I though he has forgotten about it, maklumlah dah dapat toy baru, toy lama dilupakan muahahaha but he remembered when I specifically asked him "Do you know what day this is?" "Yes, it's our declaration day" Alahai... lemah lutut aku bila dia ingat this date when we declared. Nanti ada masa (walaupun memang banyak masa) and mood akan aku ceritakan how we came to declare. Complicated and involved real hard work.
We didn't do anything special for our 'Declaration Day' - actually baru tahun ni it's given a name - selalunya we call it 'Our Actual Anniversary' - kami usually celebrate the day we met mata bertentang mata. Bak bahasa buku, bibit-bibit percintaan bermula gitu, tarikh kawen la senang - I told you it's complicated, nantila I'll explain when the right time comes. Apapun kisahnya, I love you very much A, you mean the world to me!
Malam ni tapau makan from On The Run Esso - the other day we bought their nasi ayam macam sedap gila but today, cheh hampeh haram tak sedap langsung ayam panggang percik tu - apa yang terpercik tu I am beginning to wonder. Nyesal la jugak but actually I wanted Ayamas punya ayam percik since yesterday tapi Cik Abang dah ajak pi beli phone (keluar dalam hujan lebat tu ko, sanggup!) maka tak jadik la makan ayam panggang berjumlah seeokr itu. Hehehe sekor lagi!
Anyways, I am feeling a little better today - takde apa yang menyakitkan hati and whatever has happened on Sunday hari tu with dad, let it be and just hope time will heal. He said he forgave me, just hope he wont bother me again with that 'thing' I was telling you guys about.
Hmmm dalam aku blog hopping one of my favourite blogs 'Catz's Cafe' she was showing pictures of her recent raya holiday in NZ (New Zealand ok bukan NZ Curry House ye) and I think I have found a holiday destination for the two of us next October musim bunga.... I want to see the beautiful flowers! Fuh...fuh... mintak-mintaklah ada cukup duit to do just that, Aminnnn...
2 Responses to October 14, 2008 - 9:33pm
Hi amiloved. I was at Catz's too - memang cun scenery kat NZ and I am also thinking of going there just to see tulips bloom - kalau nak pi Amsterdam macam jauh sangat. Perhaps KN and I will see you there in Oct next year!
Boley boley.... nanti kita jumpa sana ek Superman!
Something to say?